How to Set Yourself Up for a Successful Divorce

children at daycare

Divorce can be an incredibly difficult process, both emotionally and financially. It is often a long and arduous journey that requires careful planning and preparation to ensure you get the best outcome for yourself and your family. With the right strategies, however, you can make sure your divorce is as successful as possible.

Let's explore how you can set yourself up for a successful divorce.

Find the Right Attorney For You

Having an experienced and qualified attorney is key to ensuring you get the best outcome from your divorce. It's essential to take the time to find someone who will be able to advise and guide you through the process.

Consider taking multiple consultations with different attorneys, so you can compare their experience and skills as well as discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Compile The Necessary Documents

Your divorce case is only as strong as the evidence you have to back it up.

Make sure to collect any documents that may be relevant, such as:

  • Marriage certificates,
  • Your birth certificate, passport, or any other legal proof of identity for yourself,
  • Financial records, including bank statements or statements of debt, and
  • Tax returns for the past five years,

Having this information on hand will help your attorney build a stronger case for you and be beneficial in determining a fair settlement.

Create a List of Top Priorities

Before you start the divorce process, make sure to create a list of your top priorities. This should include anything important to you or may impact your post-divorce lifestyles, such as custody arrangements and division of assets.

Share this list with your attorney so they can better understand what is most important to you and ensure that you get the best outcome. This can help your legal team create a strategy aimed at hitting your divorce goals and preparing for your exit from your marriage.

Be Prepared For Lifestyle Changes

Divorce will likely result in some lifestyle changes, so it's essential to be prepared and have a plan before the process begins.

Prepare for Childcare

Consider what kind of childcare arrangements may need to be made if there are children involved, as well as any other financial or housing changes you may have to make. You might have to move closer to your child's school, enroll them in daycare, or make any changes to help them thrive in their new family situation.

Build a Support System

It is also essential to be aware of the emotional toll divorce can take and make sure to have a support system before embarking on this journey. Connect with friends, family, or organizations that can provide emotional support and advice during such a difficult time.

Consider Seeing A Therapist

Speaking with a therapist or counselor throughout the process can be beneficial. They can help you manage any emotions that may arise and provide guidance on navigating through difficult conversations.

Hold Off On Dating Until The Divorce Is Finalized

While you might wish to test the dating waters while your divorce is underway, it is best to wait until the process is finalized. This will save you from any potential legal complications or disputes that could arise if your spouse finds out. It also can shift your focus from your divorce to your new relationship, ultimately distracting you from the process.

Offering Diligent & Devoted Legal Counsel

Divorce is never easy, but by taking the time to plan and prepare for what lies ahead, you can ensure that you are headed toward a successful outcome. Take the first step and schedule a consultation with our attorney at Marmolejo Law, APC. We can help you plan for the future and approach your divorce with a positive attitude.

Call us today at (310) 736-2063 to schedule a consultation with Diane and get started on your next chapter.
